Model PN can seal rigid handles to polyethylene bags in order to obtain carrier bags. The machine only seals the handle, that must be inserted into the bag by the operator.
Hourly output amounts to 300/350 bags, calculated on an average 10/12seconds to insert the handle and to seal it.
Model PN is an impulse-sealingmachine operated by a pneumatic pedal. By pressing the pedal you start a completely automatic cycle: closing of the jaws - sealing time - cooling time - reopening of the jaws. Movement is pneumatic.
During the sealing/cooling cycle the operator is completely free. Movable holders keep the handles in position during the sealing cycle. The PN can be placed on any table, works on 220V single-phase AC and has an average consumption of 250 W per hour. The machine is easy to use and compact; it assures a constant result on any bag up to 60 cm wide. Seal is 3 mm wide.
The compressed-air circuit ensures a strong pressure on the jaws. It is therefore possible to seal uneven handles on very thick bags.
The PN sealer is also suitable to seal heavy duty bags (click here).